3 Reasons to Not Send Your Son to College


A while ago, there was a blog post that was circulating the social media world about how girls don’t belong in college. It was titled 6 Reasons to NOT Send Your Daughter to College and it’s by Raylan Alleman. Then, there was a response from Rachel Miller (news editor for The Aquila Report) on the question of whether or not it’s wrong to send young women to college. Rachel has written some really cool stuff that I enthusiastically agree with (Google “Rachel Miller Aquila Report” and you’ll see what I mean). Of course, the whole idea that a woman shouldn’t go to college is kind of ridiculous, and the article that advocates it doesn’t really give good reasons and overall, Rachel gives a good answer. But I want to get away from the whole notion of going to college as a necessary activity for young people and, instead of responding for why women SHOULD go to college (which they should certainly have that freedom if they want), I want to talk about good reasons for anyone to skip college. Sons included.

1. College is expensive

This is one of the reasons Raylan lists for why women shouldn’t go to college. While I disagree with his premise that girls shouldn’t go to college because they’re girls, it’s actually a really valid reason for anyone to skip out. College is expensive. Like, really, really expensive. In a world where a degree is worth less and less, it’s not always in the best economic interests of students to subject themselves to a mountain of student debt. For your son who needs to provide for a family someday, an apprenticeship or self-education might be a better option, and avoiding that $27,000 of average student debt may be a wise decision. Of course, a degree is still a requirement for many jobs so college may be unavoidable for some, but the high price tag is enough to give anyone pause.

2. College extends adolescence

Rachel talks about how college is like real life with training wheels, and is a good place to learn how to own your faith. While this has elements of truth, I think there is a larger culture of “college as an extension of high school.” You have 4 years where you’re largely free from the responsibilities of adult life. The typical college student might be living on campus, is funded by student loans, maybe has a student job, and whose primary responsibility is homework. While there isn’t anything inherently wrong with that, the culture of college still treats you like an adolescent that constantly needs to be reminded to be an adult. It’s no surprise that many people push off important decisions like marriage until they’re almost 30 ( 28.9 for men, to be exact) when we have a culture that treats you like you’re a kid until you’re 25. College life leaves a lot to be desired in terms of actually preparing you for the “real world”.

3. College and education are not synonymous

My biggest beef with college has always been that it’s not necessarily the best place to get an education. Education is really important and is absolutely necessary to be a well-adjusted member of society. It opens up tons of opportunities and is the best indicator of social mobility. But college in the last few years has been less about education and apparently more about social engineering or raising tuition (at least that’s how it feels). I question the effectiveness of general education requirements (read: thief of time and money) and the semester system in general. If you can educate yourself better by reading books on your own or working under an expert, then why go to college? Better yourself through education, but realize that college may not be where you get that education. Especially if you get $27k in debt from the experience.

That’s all I have for now. It’s a little difficult to respond to Raylan’s article that seriously lists the danger of parents using contraception as a reason for daughters not to go to college, but I agree with the idea that college may not be a wise choice for everyone. Rachel makes the case for college so check out her blog as well at Daughter of the Reformation. 

What do you think? Is college the greatest thing since sliced bread or an expensive scam? 

7 thoughts on “3 Reasons to Not Send Your Son to College

  1. I have a college degree and am a software test engineer by trade but still feel the best education you can get is life education. Everyone needs to work at a fast food restaurant or wait tables so they gain experience working with people. People skills are so important. Also everyone needs to learn a trade. Girls need to learn how to cook, sew and do carpentry work while guys need to learn how change their own oil, cut hair and care for a house full of kids full time. My point is, we shouldn’t limit ourselves in life and at the same time, even with a college education, employment is not guarenteed so we need something to fall back on. Going into business for yourself and building it will give you more life experience than six years of a college and a masters degree.


    • Exactly! I just feel like there’s a prevailing mentality of “college is all you need” and that’s really not true. Like you said, life experience is the most valuable and for more and more people, college isn’t where you get that experience. Thanks for reading! 🙂


  2. This is great and my personal experience with college has been that I suck at it. Therefore, not worth my money. That’s just me though. The industry I work in, social services, helping people with disabilities, I see a lot of college graduates that are unable to find work and are in thousands of dollars of debt because of it. I hope my child to be (he’s due in January) is intriguied by learning, but I will in no way be upset if he doesn’t go to college.

    Great post! Thanks Kameron!


    • Same here. I’m struggling through an online degree but I despise every step of it. It’s incredibly cheap comparatively but I would rather not do it. Thanks!


  3. Hey Kameron! Enjoying reading through your blog. Just a comment, I’d rather say that these are all reasons *possibly* not to go to college, but moreso reasons to think really through college.

    I think the high costs of college today should really be a barrier to entry to help people decide whether it’s REALLY for them; aka, not just doing college because you can’t think of anything better to do. Don’t just go to college to waste time, get drunk, and ultimately, get in debt. If the benefit it gets you for moving towards a job/career does not outweigh the cost, it’s not worth it. But if you do choose it, or some other type of education, your success will come from your decision to live intentionally, not the automatic stamp of approval a college gives you.


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